10 DIY Scarf Hacks

If you want to have just one accessory in your wardrobe, it undoubtedly has to be a scarf! The epic styling that you can do with a scarf, will transform your fashion statement.
Here are the top 10 and easiest styling jigs a scarf can do for you!

1. Shrug
Scarf Shrug

2. Nursing Shawl
Scarf Nursing Shawl

3. Belt

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4. Shawl
Scarf Hack

5. Head Gear
Scarf - Head Gear

6. Dress

7. Hobo Bag

8. Bag Funk

9. Accessory
Scarf Bracelet

10. Jacket

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Try them and give a makeover to your wardrobe with only a scarves!

We would love to hear your take on this and share if you’ve any other ideas.

5 coolest DIY to Recycle Denims

With all uses and abuses, Denim stands unabated as the toughest clothing fabric. Denims, as per origins from 1873, was used for over-garments such as overalls and smock by the working class. Denim has since evolved in many ways to grow better and stronger.

A pair of Recap denims can last an average of 2-3 years, no matter how roughly you use them. 2-3 years is a pretty long time for sure and with the ever-changing style, its likely that you wont feel like wearing it for more than a year. And it pains to let go off once a favorite pair of jeans. Don’t lose heart yet. We have got a pat solution to this – Origami!

Turn your Denims Jeans/shirt into anything you want. It is very simple and its DIY! From bags and accessories to home decor and shoes, anything can be a recycled form of your Denims. Above all, it will be some long-lasting stuff!

Let’s start on an easy level –
1. Home Decor

This seems pretty easy, doesn’t it?

2. Other clothing
i) Shorts
While you would just need a pair of scissors to turn your jeans into shorts, but a little more creativity and you can get a sexier pair.

ii) Aprons
Aprons go through so much rough use and there’s nothing better than a recycled denim apron!

3. Accessories
How we never get rid of accessories!

Who doesn’t need these?


4. Bags

The most basic and simplest DIY accessory that your jeans can churn out is a tote bag! Check this out!

5. And other stuff!


Now, you would probably wanna get yourself head-to-toe-dressed in denims!

Disclaimer: We do not own any of the above mentioned pictures.